
How compatible are you with your mate? This would seem like an easy question to answer but who would really be honest when they answer that question. With the divorce rate in the U.S. sparking to an alarming 46% in 2008 who can guarantee that their relationship will last ” until death do us part “. Does that really mean the same thing as it did when our grandparents took their vows? 

We are on this road which it seems that 50% percent of the time we end up crashing. If you knew that your marriage would end in divorce, would you still get married? Hind sight is 20/20 but there has to be a way to predict some of this stuff. If there were some way of taking a compatibility test before getting married then things would work out a little better. One way we can combat this issue is to focus on the blood type compatibility table which has been perfected by the Japanese. Lets be serious for a second here; if you truly loved someone and you took a compatibility test which states that you aren’t as compatible as you think, would you still marry that person?  

What if there were a law which stated that each marriage would be for 5 years and after the 5 year period you would have to either renew your vows or it would end in an annulment. Would you support that idea? I feel that would somehow cut down the divorce rate in our country and make people take the word MARRIAGE more seriously. Most marriages if they are going to end fall apart in the 1st 2 to 5 years. This idea would save you the long headache and the continued heartbreak of a nasty divorce. 

This is just an idea. Don’t take it for more than just that. If we get enough people to respond in a positive way then it can blossom into something more. To your continued blessings and compatibility….. 

Discussions about blood types are very popular in different women’s magazines as a way of fuaging relationship compatibility with a current or potential partner. There seems to be more talk about blood types and compatibility worldwide. Lets get the word out and see if this is a great phenomenon that we have been yearning for or a fad which comes and goes like the seasons. In Japan some morning television shows feature blood type horoscopes, and similiar horoscopes are published daily in newspapers. I guess the world needs to take note and follow Japans lead. 

Some people desire a wider selection of individuals that they are compatible with without having to evaluate each and every person on the site. Less search options will lead to less selective processing and reducing  plenty of users, cognitive resources. We are all tired of the mondane and monotnous scripts that you would encounter from any other dating site. Hundreds of questions are asked but at the end of the day only one question really matters, Am I your type? 

Unlike a lot of dating sites that you would normally see online AmIurType has fewer compatibility questions and a higher chance of you meeting the person that is similiar to what you are looking for. Who says opposites attract? That thery has been disproven time and time again. As humans if someone tells you something over and over again you will tend to believe it. What’s more fulfilling that having someone who shares the same interests, eats the same foods, watches the same movies, and even having similiar outlooks on life. Your match is here so just get ready to have the time of your life while exploring 

Blood Types and Your Personality

Let get into the main reason why this site is so unique. Almost every japanese are aware of their blood type. Many businesses in japan even managed their workers by their blood type. Since most of you aren’t really aware of what your personality looks like according to your blood type this little piece of information might be a little helpful. 

While outwardly calm, blood type A people are such perfectionists that they are likely to be balls of nerves inside. You are very creative and an artist. You are not the outgoing type and are more sensitive. You tend to stay calm in the toughest of crises. You are a good listener. At times you may make hasty decisions. Known for their artistic nature they can be very shy, conscientious, trustworthy, punctual, traditional,stubborn, obsessive and even sensitive.

Famous Personalities Adolf Hitler, Richard Nixon, Jet Li, George H.W. Bush

Best Traits; Gentle, creative, sensitive Worst Traits; Earnest and Fastidious

Result oriented and strong minded, type B people will start a job and continue until it is fully completed, and done well. Type B people are the individualists of the blood groups and find their own way in life without much support. You are very clear about your goals and are achievers in whichever field you choose to take up. You are very practical by nature. You complete the tasks that you take up and make an extra effort to understand the difficult parts. You understand people easily. You do not like confrontations. People find you charming, optimistic, unconventional, flexible and sensitive.

Famous Personalities Luciano Pavarotti, Paul McCartney, Jack Nicholson, Leonardi Di Caprio

Best Traits: Wild, a does, cheerful Worst traits: Selfish and irresponsible

Type AB people are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both shy and timid, and at the same time outgoing and shy. They are usually responsible, but too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others before themselves. You have a mix of characteristics. You can be extroverts and shy at the same time. You love helping people and are very

responsible by nature. But at times you cannot handle too much pressure. You find it difficult to find the right balance in life. Stress is something that you find difficult to deal with. You are also rational, aloof, confused, responsible, and unforgiving.

Famous Personalities John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, Thomas Edison, Jackie Chan, Marilyn Monroe

Best Traits: Cool, controlled, rational Worst Traits: Critical and indecisive

Type O’s are sociable, and also very outgoing. They are initiators, even though they do not always finish what they started. Innovative and popular, they like to be the center of the spotlight and appear very self confident. You love being the center of attention. You love to begin things but don’t finish what you start. You are very self confident and have a positive outlook in life. You are not very responsible but very energetic. You are also intuitive, leaders, ambitious, arrogant, and self confident.

Famous Personalities Elvis Presley, Queen Elizabeth, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Lennon, Wren Chambers

Best Traits: Agreeable, sociable, and optimist Worst Traits: Vain and careless

Which Types Are Compatible
Type A is most compatible with Type A and Type AB
Type B is most compatible with type B and Type AB
Type AB is most compatible with Type AB, B, A, and O
Type O is most compatible with Type O, and Type AB
Having A – or A + does not make a difference when determining your compatibility.

Which Types Are Compatible